
Kubernetes Concepts

Kubernetes Concepts

First blog post! Thank you to my mentor Slava for encouraging me to start this blog and start learning Kubernetes. I’ll be using this post to take notes of what I learn. This video by Travis Media talks about the concepts to be familiar with before learning Kubernetes.

Glossary / Concepts

  • container - “A standard unit of software that packages up up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliabily from one computer to another” (Docker’s definition)
  • image - blueprint for running an app with all of its required dependencies, codes, commands, etc, which are run inside containers.
  • Kubernetes aka K8s - environment to orchestrate/automate deployment, management, scaling, and networking of containers. Kubernetes Documentation
  • cloud - Kubernetes is often deployed by companies in the cloud as a managed service, which can get expensive.
  • YAML, “Yet Another Markup Language” - data serialization language for configurations. Also a subset of JSON. YAML Tutorial Link
  • manifest - a yaml or JSON file that declares how resources in Kubernetes are configured. Describes the desired state of the Kubernetes object.
  • linux networking basics - required for learning Kubernetes due to communication between pods, containers, services, external destinations, etc.
  • kubectl - terminal for managing Kubernetes clusters.
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